Neurological Services

 On this page is a list of my areas of expertise.

Clinical Neurology

Movement Disorders – Parkinson’s Disease

Dystonia, Tics, Tremor

Epilepsy Headache and other Pain Syndromes

Director of Functional Neurosurgery Team which performed the first Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery in Malaysia in 2003.


Neurophysiological Tests

Nerve Conduction Studies

Electromyography (EMG)

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Evoked Potential Studies (VEP, BAEP, SEP)

Botulinum (Botox) Injection


Hemifacial spasm

Dystonia including Spasmodic Torticollis



 For consultation schedule, please refer to: 

M K Lee Neuro Clinic @:
 Alpha Specialist Centre
25-31 Jalan PJU 5/6, Dataran Sunway,Kota Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya * Selangor * Malaysia
Tel: +603-6141 8533 * Fax: +603-6141 8530
  Sunway Medical Centre Suites WW02, 03
5 Jalan Lagoon Selatan, 47500 Subang Jaya
Tel: +603-7491 8833 Fax: +603-7491 8899

Mobile: +6012 2911 486


81 Responses to Neurological Services

  1. Syama says:

    Hi Dr Lee. We desperately need some advice. Our 73-year-old dad has been experiencing short-term memory loss (cannot retain fresh information) and confusion ever since being hospitalized in January for 2 weeks because of chronic hiccups. He was on sodium drips for 2 weeks, and was also given haliperidol. We noticed the change in his memory — almost overnight. He was not able to retain fresh information. It has been 3 months now since he was discharged, but his memory hasn’t returned to normal, and it’s seriously affecting my dad’s state of mind, and he’s becoming more and more depressed as he knows he’s forgetting things. We don’t know who to turn to for help. We could really use your advice. Thank you so very much, Doc.


  2. shbini saini says:

    Hi Dr Lee.
    Saya ada masalah Hemifacial Spasm. Sejak 3 tahun ini masalah tersebut semakin serius hingga mendatangkan masalah kepada penglihatan dan wajah saya. Adakah Doctor mempunyai perkhidmatan pembedahan untuk kes ini selain daripada injection botox?


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Hi Saini, prosedur Microvascular Decompression(MVD) untuk Hemifacial Spasm dilakukan oleh perunding neurosurgeri yang pakar dalam pengkhususan ini, iaitu pengkhususan MVD. Salam.


  3. LEE BOON KIAT says:

    Hello Dr.Lee,

    I am Jack Lee.

    It happened to me 3 weeks before, I suspect myself suffer from Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo as the symptoms looks match where when i lied down vertigo comes for few seconds and when i sit back it comes few seconds also. I perform Hallpike test and found that it is right site affected thus i do Home Epley Maneuver myself(maybe i couldnt make it accurately as i dunno which canal is affected posterior, lateral, or horizontal), it get better a lot like around 80-90% but still left with vertigo-like dizziness when move around and nystagmus which make my eyes very tired after my work everyday because i could not focus my vision probably when i move around my head. Do you provide any treatment for BPPV or can you consult me on this? Thank you.


  4. noraini says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    I was kind of diagoned with CADASIL..the neurologist i saw said maybe I have it,when he saw my mri brain scan..I did not know what it was until i goggled.The neurologist did not explain in detail about it ..I did not know of any patient(s) who might have it..Is there any other way yot confirm it?LIke tests or biopsies?When I went to see him ,he just prescribed aspirin and statins.the diagnosis was when i was 45..i was quite depressed thinking that i might lose my memory..that was 10 years ago..but i do have migraines almost everyday…My late mum had dementia.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Noraini, CADASIL is diagnosed based on clinical features and brain scan appearance. It is due to a mutation in the NOTCH3 gene and is indeed an autosomal dominant (AD) inherited condition. The diagnosis is confirmed by DNA testing for CADASIL-related NOTCH3 mutations. This gene test is not available in Malaysia.

      You could consider consultation at any of the University Hospitals and enquire whether the gene testing could done through a university collaboration.

      Do take note that while gene testing provides diagnostic certainty, there are many serious implications. To name just a few: Confirmation of a genetic disorder will render you ineligible for insurance cover. Your children (if any) have a 50% chance of inheriting this AD condition. This risk will impact on their eligibility for insurance, study awards and job prospects. In fact, genetic counselling is mandatory before gene testing is offered to patients.

      If gene testing is not done eventually, you should still continue with the protective medications prescribed by your doctor, while keeping up with advances in the understanding of CADASIL.

      NIH Link:

      Best wishes.


  5. Syed says:

    Hi Dr Lee, Good day, I would like to know any special treatment for autism kids with speech delay? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!


  6. vicky says:

    hi doctor. my whole body feel pain.muscle aches,numbness,prickling burning and burning sensation. it is related to nerve ?


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Vicky, the data provided is insufficient to formulate any diagnosis. More detailed information is needed, together with the timeline and related medical history. You are advised to first consult your GP for a preliminary assessment. Best wishes.


  7. Krishnan Govindan says:

    What would it cost to confirm if I have Parkinson’s disease?


  8. Usman says:

    Hi Dr Lee
    I have been suffering Bell’s palsy since last 3 or 4 month. I did treatment Dr gave me some medicine I’m still taking these even when I felt I have some problem with face since I can talk close both eyes but my face left side isn’t working correctly whenever I smile it goes one side I wonder my doctor said to me now you are perfect but it didn’t work could you please tell me the treatment for Bell’s palsy or if you can do this just let me know
    …….will wait for ur answer thanks


  9. Eric says:

    Hi Dr,

    I encounter neurotic symptoms such as easily to be in depressed moods, anxiety (always feel nervous) and relatively uncomfortable generally. Other symptoms are stutter (harder to talk like how I used to be, few years back), now i stutter a lot. Sometimes will feel headache and I feel like i can’t ‘control’ the pace/rhythm of speaking anymore. This really frustrate me. Should I consult a neurologist for such symptoms? any other advices? Thanks.


  10. Eek Feei Wong says:

    Hi Dr Lee,

    I suffered from Bell’s Palsy last week, and now taking the Acyclovir and Prednisolone, also undergoing acupuncture. It has been 6 days now, and I was wondering what other remedies I could try and what’s the best options for me to heal this disease.

    Your advise is most appreciated.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Kelvin
      The treatments listed are among the standard options recommended for Bell’s palsy.
      You are advised to refer back to your treating doctor, to discuss whether your progress is going according to established treatment results.

      Best wishes.


  11. Ee says:

    Dear dr Lee,

    My father, 70 years old, had left brain haemorrhage in Aug 2016. He is now paralyzed on right side and unable to speak. He id also shown dementia symptom like undress, touch feces.
    I wonder what treatment suitable for my dad and do you think stem cell from my daughter’s placenta could help my dad?

    Thank you and Best Regards,


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear M Ee
      Stem cells are under investigation for brain damage caused by stroke and other diseases. However research is still at an early stage. It is not yet clear which types of stem cells are effective and what method of delivery into the body is appropriate.
      In addition, it is mandatory to remove any risk of the stem cells turning cancerous. After all, stem cells and cancer cells share the same potential to be immortal. As such, it is premature to make any plans for stem cell treatment at this point in time.
      Best wishes.


  12. EL says:

    Hi Dr Lee,

    I have a strong family history of Fatal Familial Insomnia. Any screening tests available in Malaysia?



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear EL

      No case of Fatal Familial Insomnia has been reported in Malaysia. Genetic testing for FFI is not available in our country.


      • el850211 says:

        Dear Dr Lee, probably under reported. As my grandmother, paternal side aunties and uncle had similar symptoms before passed away. One of my auntie was a confirmed case tested in Singapore.

        Do you have any idea where should i send the test to overseas?



      • mkleeneuro says:

        Dear DL

        The genetic test for FFI is not available in this region.
        Do give serious consideration before you decide to take the test.
        Since this condition is untreatable, once detected, it is likely that you will be rejected for medical insurance coverage. Furthermore, this diagnosis is likely to impact on your career prospects and future plans.


  13. CJS says:

    Hi Dr.Lee,

    I have been having chronic headaches and dizziness which started few days after my motorcycle road accident 3 months ago (though i did not have any head or neck pain/fainting after the accident).

    May i know if you will be able to help me diagnose if the headaches and dizziness is caused by the accident or its because of other conditions.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear CJS
      Head injury is suspected if an accident results in impact on the head or neck.
      Do see your GP for an initial assessment. If there is no suspicion of direct injury, other causes of headache and dizziness will be investigated.
      In the context of the accident, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) also needs to be considered.
      Best wishes.


  14. Lim Kheng Joo says:

    Dear Dr.Lee,

    Good Day to you. I am a 38 years old who has went through 2 head accidents that has brought damage to my cognitive and, balance functions.the 1st was not well treated when happened at the age of 10 as of that time. Another one happened about 2 months back and i feel the injury is causing discomfort on the injured area(forehead).I am looking for advise for treating my condition that feel like getting worse from time to time now..
    Kindly help to advise.
    Thank you.


  15. Soo KH says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    Good day. I wish to brief you about my father case. He has been suffered of dystonia for more than 10years. He is now 70 years old and the condition is getting worse. He has complained about his uncontrollable tongue movement and difficult of swollen food. Lately, he has problem with dizziness and difficult to walk around. He has also fall down quite number of times.

    All the while, we have been visiting a neurologist from University Malaya and he has been taken medicine which seem to be not very helpful. Hence i wish to seek for your advise. I heard about stem cell treatment and DBS. I hope we can look for better alternative to help my father.

    Thank you.
    Best regards


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear M Koh

      Dystonia of the tongue is a difficult problem. Your father’s symptoms may be due to conditions such as Meige syndrome or tardive dyskinesia (subject to further evaluation). Dizziness and falls could be caused by medication side effects.
      DBS is not generally recommended after the age of 70 due to limited risk/benefit (high surgical risk-high expense computed against expected life span).
      Stem cells are not proven in dystonia.
      Judicious combination of medications for dyskinesia has been shown to be beneficial.

      Best wishes.


  16. YM says:

    Dear Dr. Lee,

    I have a MRI scan done for the brain on Feb 16 due to black out and syncope and the scan result showed cerebral atrophy. At the moment I do not know if this is congenital or a neurodegenerative disorder.

    I am currently having difficulty in remembering recent events including meetings and appointments, challenges in finding things because I have no relocation of memory of where I have placed it in the first place and the recently I found myself lost in familiar places.

    Would appreciate your advise if this is a condition I need to look into and will a neurologist the correct specialist I should seek consultation with?

    Thank you & best regards,


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear YM
      Your MRI scan needs to be assessed in the context of your clinical symptoms of impaired memory and difficulty with directions. You are advised to request your treating doctor to refer you to a neurologist.

      Best wishes.


  17. Ng Keng Whui says:

    Thanks Doc, I do not have any family doctor. May I know which specialist should I refer to? I have been to Orthopaedic specialist in Tung Hsin hospital and have taken the mri scan as instructed by the specialist. The report show multilevel central disc protrusions noted with the largest at C5/6 and C6/7. I was then given Alanerve to take twice per day. It almost 3 months now and it does not really help.


  18. Ng Keng Whui says:

    Hi Doc, my name is KWNg. I am 54 years old and my problem is both my hand have no grip especially all my 10 fingers are very stiff maybe due to nerve problem. I have difficulties like button shirt, holding chopstick, holding a pen to write, tying a shoe lace and ,.,.,.others. Both my hands(all fingers) are like numb all day long. Right now I have been taking Alanerve for 2 months and also doing twice a week acupuncture . I notice that all these does not really help,. Please advise, thanks.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear M Ng

      Your upper limb weakness could be due to a number of causes such as nerve disorder, muscle disorder or even compression at the level of the cervical spine. You should without further delay get a preliminary assessment by your family doctor. This will provide guidance on the direction your testing should take, in order to arrive at a diagnosis. Treatment will depend on the cause identified.

      Best wishes.


  19. Amjad says:


    Do you have treatment procedure for Bell’s palsy?

    Thank you.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Amjad

      Once the diagnosis is confirmed, Bell’s palsy should be treated by a Family Physician or Neurologist. Treatment consists of medications, supplemented with physiotherapy and other symptomatic medications.

      Best regards.


  20. Prema says:

    Dear Dr Lee

    Which doctor do I go to for pudendal nerve pain. I was treated for hemorrhoids 2 yrs ago and yet I have burning pain in my anus . When I go back to my doctor he says there is nothing there all cured . So I was thinking maybe it’s something else. I also have a mild scoliosis in L4 and L5 which I went for physio but till now I do hve back pain, burning on my feet and also a deep pain in my buttocks. All in my right hand side. I also have hypothyroidism. So I was thinking maybe the cause of both the burning pain n my back pain is the same reason. I have been to few doctor but in vain. Appreciate if you can advice me on this.

    Thank you


  21. LT Ong says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    Good day.

    I’m 42 years old lady which had paralysis on my left arm and palm recently. It happened after I played badminton, that time I felt no well on my shoulder, I thought it was normal like muscle pain because I seldom do exercise. A week after, I feel my left arm faintness and start paralysis , this was happen 2 months ago. I went to see doctor and he gave me a medicine to loose tendon, but it seems like not work at all, now my figures are stiff and feel like soaking in cool water. I am worried about this situation and I don’t know whom I should refer to. Appreciate if you could advise me on this.
    Thank you very much.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear M Ong
      The symptoms as described could be due to sports injury or alternatively, joint or nerve disorder. A review by your doctor would help to distinguish between this possibilities. Tests may be advised accordingly. Do see your doctor for this follow up action.
      Best wishes.


      • LT Ong says:

        Dear Doctor,

        Thank you very much for your reply.
        Currently my palm is start itching, what test should I go to? should I do sensory nerve test or MRI scan?
        Can you advise if there is any medicine can help.
        Thank you.


  22. vimal says:

    Hi my name is Vimal.age 29+ recently had problems..all of sudden I feel always dizzy body is weak..leg n hand n will be righ n left sometimes both…Bt I hv did all the tests ct scan..ultrasound.echocardiogram.full blood until no one can identify what is wrong with me..I feel I hv a nerve disturbance cause always dizzy headache n I fell something is pulling near my right side eyebrows…Im suffering with this almost 1year.can u please gv me a solution for this.thanks


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Vimal

      You appear to have a variety of symptoms which can’t be localised to any particular system malfunction. You need to confirm with your doctors that there is no evidence of physical illness.
      If that is the case, do consider a psychological assessment, as anxiety / depression can present in this way.
      For info, doctors are often concerned that this possibility is not acceptable to the patient, hence it is not brought up at all.
      Best wishes.


  23. winnie says:

    Hi Dr Lee,

    My father had 2 strokes last 2 years and he was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. Since then he had on and off of head pains and doctor prescribed lyrica 75mg for him. He was complaining he can’t get to sleep throughout the night. He was on Zxyprexa 2.5mg and has recently increased the dosage to 5mg but it doesn’t help him. That causes him very emotional and moody lately.

    Can you advise if there is any medicine can help with sleep.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Winnie,

      Your father needs assessment to determine what is/are the causes of his head pain, insomnia and mood changes. For info, some people have sleep state misperception (SSM) wherein they feel they haven’t slept, rather than true insomnia. Treatment will be depend on the cause(s) identified. Do discuss these issues with your father’s doctor.
      Best wishes.


  24. Hubert Goh says:

    Dear Dr.Lee
    I have Epilepsy about 10 Years already,I wonder Neurosurgery will cost how much as i heard neurosurgery can cure my epilepsy,so I need some info from Dr.Lee


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Hubert

      Epilepsy surgery is effective for certain types of epilepsy and not suitable in others. Brain surgery carries specific risks, depending on the type of procedure selected. Therefore, it is generally reserved for patients whose seizures are not controlled in spite of adequate trial of different medications, at sufficient dosage.

      Do consult your doctor as to whether surgery is appropriate for you.


  25. Melvin says:

    Hi Dr. Lee,

    I had bell palsy for almost 4 years and i dont recover completely.
    Is it possible to fully recovered after these years?
    What are the cures?


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Melvin

      Every case of Bell’s palsy is different. Recovery depends on severity of the condition, the type of treatments received, and whether there was any delay. Do consult with your doctor about your prognosis for further improvement.
      At this late stage, you can consider physiotherapy. If the facial function is severely affected, there are plastic surgery procedures to improve eye closure and elevate the corner of the mouth on the affected side.

      Best wishes.


      • Melvin says:

        Do you do physiotherapy? Can i make an appointment at your clinic for consultation?


      • mkleeneuro says:

        Dear Melvin,
        Physiotherapy is conducted by Physios (for info, I do not conduct physiotherapy).
        Physio services are available at major medical centres.


  26. Mohamed Harrith says:

    Hello DrLee,

    I would like to know your opinion about my fathers symptoms,
    recently he is diagnosed with mild stroke which affected his speech and movement,overtime his condition is deteriorating, loss of appetite,difficult to chew on food,he’s getting weaker and lost of energy,always feeling tired,difficulty in speaking,both hand feeling numb, is there any treatment or further diagnosis to improve his condition….

    please advice, thank you for your time….


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Encik Harrith

      Thank you for your enquiry. Stroke by definition is an acute event which is followed by gradual recovery. If your Father’s condition is deteriorating, he needs to be reassessed by his doctor. The possibilities include recurrent stroke attacks; sedating effect of medications; unrelated medical condition (e.g. kidney or liver malfunction, infection, etc); alternative neuro diagnosis besides stroke (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, other degenerative conditions).

      It would appear he needs some intervention very soon.

      Best wishes.


  27. Fadzilah says:

    Dear Dr. Lee,

    I am a 29 years old lady which recently had an experience of vertigo. It happened to me at night and it lasted for almost half an hour. Even when I close my eyes, I still can feel the dizziness. And it happened again after few days. This time at my workplace where I feel dizzy while looking at my pc. Sometimes, I also had a throbbing headache (left side) for few seconds and then, it’s gone.

    I am a bit worried about this situation and do not know whom should I refer to. Appreciate if you could advise me on this.

    Many thanks.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Fadzilah

      Symptoms of vertigo and headache may be caused by migraine or fatigue. You need to consult your family doctor as the first step. He/she would be able to advise whether other more serious causes need to be considered.

      Best wishes.


  28. KHY says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    My grandmother was diagnosed for Parkinson’s for more than 10 years. As of months back, her doctor from UMMC increased her madopar dosages to the maximum. Since then, she suffers more tremor and can’t walk as smoothly as before. Now she even had difficulty eating as she keep making some weird noise off and on. Just yesterday, I’ve noticed that she accidentally dropped quarter tablet of the madopar on the floor, missed out taking them and her coordinations gone better and tremor Etc were reduced to almost none. My question is, if I reduce the dosage, will this help long term? Thank you.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear M Yap

      You need to work with your grandmother’s doctor to determine the optimum dose of medications, i.e. dosage titration. Your feedback based on the above observation is valuable to the doctor. However, do discuss with her doctor before you make any changes, since PD treatment is a specialised field which requires in-depth knowledge of the pharmacology of the medications.

      Best wishes.


  29. Azmi says:

    Dear Dr.Lee,

    Have you dealt with any patients with ‘normal pressure hydrocephalus’? My father has a long list of issues from two fractured hips to incontinence, stiffening of his initial post-op hip and recently his left forearm, as well as dementia. He was originally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s but another neurologist we recently visited saw a CT scan we did a year ago and advised us to get an MRI as there could be signs of NPH.

    I have made an appointment to have an MRI done but I am concerned about someone with dementia being sedated (as he has always shown signs of decline after each op). What is the prognosis and options available if it turns out to be NPH?

    My father is 79 years of age, NO problems with blood pressure or diabetes.

    Appreciate your opinion and/or suggestions.




    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear En Azmi

      Careful study of the CT scan may be sufficient to diagnose NPH in many cases. It is true that sedation may be hazardous in a frail senior patient.

      Do consult your neurologist whether it is possible to make do with a repeat CT brain scan. It is especially helpful if there is increase in size of the ventricular system (as opposed to worsening of brain shrinkage) can be ascertained on the 2nd (repeat) scan. This would signify progression of NPH.

      Best wishes.


      • Azmi says:

        Hi Dr.Lee,

        Thanks for the reply. Problem is that won’t just having a CT scan still leave doubts about other accompanying conditions that might also show up such as new infarct or even Alzheimer’s too? Although I have been told that Alzheimer’s may still not be visible in an MRI. Any accompanying condition might make a VP shunt irrelevant.

        Are you familiar with the prognosis of a VP shunt? I would appreciate any information you could share. Even though what matters now is a clear diagnosis of his condition of course.




      • mkleeneuro says:

        Dear En Azmi

        Diagnosis and treatment planning for medical conditions are based on collation of data from multiple sources: clinical history, assessment and tests. The following info may be of help in your decision for Father:
        1. NPH – CT scan can provide info on presence of NPH and worsening, if any.
        2. Alzheimer’s disease – your doctor can conduct mental status examinations. Brain scans are normal in early cases, would show brain shrinkage in later stages. Final confirmation is from pathological evidence from examination of brain tissue – mainly of academic interest, not routinely needed.
        3. Likelihood of cerebral vascular disease is high at this age. Risk level can be calculated from vascular risk factors: hypertension, age, diabetes, smoking, etc. To be treated with appropriate measures.
        4. Improvement from VP shunt in a well selected patient is quite significant. Potential benefit for a particular patient would be assessed in collaboration with the neurosurgeon, based on standard selection criteria.

        Best wishes.


  30. Samira says:

    Hello Dr Lee,

    I am having a condition for which I myself am unable to properly diagnose. I have been having eczema for eight years on my hands and feet. Now for the past five years, I am having an additional skin sensitivity problem which started with my hands. It makes writing and doing tasks with my hands very difficult, with constant pain on the hands from merely any touch on it, even if it is wind blowing on my hands. I usually wear gloves on my hands due to this, sometimes even two or three gloves at the same time to reduce the pain. Doing more work with my hands tends to make this condition worse.

    Now the skin sensitivity has spread to my feet, with me wearing two layers of socks to ease the pain of walking. Just walking for a time being makes my feet hurt as though I had been continually walking the whole day, and like I need rest or foot pampering to ease the pain.

    Also the pain of contact with anything has spread to other parts of my body, such as my arms, back and legs. I am also having cramps in the same areas. The veins are also getting more clearly visible standing out in the skin. I am afraid that with time this condition is getting worse, with me feeling like a crippled person. It’s getting impossible and demotivating to even do simple tasks throughout the day. And my biggest concern is that it’s all steadily getting worse and worse as the months go by. Is there any treatment for it? Any neurological or neuro-muscular condition attached to this problem? Please help. Thank you for your assistance.




    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Samira

      From the information provided, it is not possible to arrive at a specific diagnosis. You are advised to consult your skin specialist to find out whether the sensitivity is due to eczema, its complications or some other related immune disturbance.

      Best wishes.


  31. Karim says:

    Dear Dr. Lee,

    Today my son 12 years was diagnosed with a suspected Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) by the orthopaedic surgeon at HKL.

    He had a right knee injury in late March due to football training, since then he has been to several specialist in Prince Court Medical & HKL. He has also been doing physiotherapies for several months. Via MRI & Ultrasound , the orthopaedic surgeons & sport physicians has confirmed that all his ligaments & muscle around the knees is fine. Last month, we even had his spine checked at UMSC via MRI & X-Rays, and the spine specialist had cleared him, nothing abnormal at all with his spine.

    He is in pain especially when he moves, from his right knee – outer & inner, on his quadriceps, hamstring, gluteus, and all the way to his back (all right side). Last 2-3 months he develop hyper-sensitivity in this area that is painful to even light touch, but not to clothing.

    The above lead to the suspect CRPS diagnosis by the orthopaedic surgeon today. However, HKL neurological dept would not accept him because he is only 12 years old, and refer him to their paediatric dept. To our dismay, HKL paediatric dept so-called neurology doctor said nothing they can do since he has been cleared by spine specialist & since he can still walk, they said it is not urgent.

    We do not accept this answer & upon reading more about CRPS, we are worried that it could get worse.

    Can you help with this condition? If you can, we can get him referred to you at Pantai Medical Centre ASAP. Please advise on how best to proceed. I can be contacted at my email address supplied or alternative email at

    Thank you & best regards.


  32. George says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    I was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis recently and have been suffering with the pain/discomfort for the past 2 months, apart from the urinary symptoms. My question is, could there be an element of neuropathy involved and how exactly could one ascertain that? Urologists consulted do not exactly seem to blame the prostate but just have umbrella-headed it as chronic prostatitis. They tell me it could be from anywhere in the pelvis ( more to chronic pelvic pain). Is pudendal nerve motor latency test done locally as well?

    Hoping to consult you for your opinion Dr Lee, thank you.


    • George says:

      I forgot to mention that I also experience occasional numbness of the penis with a constant tingling sensation at the urethra/inside the penis. Pain is more perineal which comes and goes. Could this be neuropathic pain?


      • mkleeneuro says:

        Dear George,
        These symptoms which are isolated to the genital organs is not consistent with neuropathic pain.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear George

      Your doctor have confirmed that the symptoms are due to chronic prostatitis, which can run a prolonged course. You can discuss with the urologist whether there is possibility of any other source of pelvic pain. The limited information available does not suggest neuropathic pain. Pudendal nerve studies are not done routinely here.
      Best wishes for recovery.


  33. gama says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    I am 29 year old male, suffering from torticollis since I was young.
    From my own research and several consultation sessions, recommended treatment for my condition would be Botox injection to the particular muscle on my neck.

    Do you offer such treatment in your clinic? How long will the treatment take?
    What is the chance of success for first time injection?
    Your reply will be very much appreciated.
    Thank you.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Gama

      Yes botulinum injection is the mainstay of treatment for most cases of torticollis and is successful when dose and site of injection are appropriate. Planning and costing for treatment is based on each patient’s condition; dosage of Botox varies with severity. Treatment takes less than 30 minutes. Please call the clinic staff at the contacts on this website if you need detailed information.

      Best regards.


  34. Munirah says:

    Dear Dr Lee,

    On 31st Jan 2015, I woke up with double vision where my left eye was in abnormal position. After been diagnosed, it is 3rd cranial nerve oculomotor palsy with diplopia. I was hospitalized and dulring hospitalization, investigation including blood tests, MRI brain scan and MRAngiography was done and the results shows any stroke or brain lesion. Treatment with high dose corticosteroids was given intravenously during hospitalization and continued as oral prescription for a month to help the recovery of the nerve function.

    As until now, i am only partially improved with persistent diplopia. Is there any other recommendation or treatment to help the nerve to improve quickly?

    Thank you so much in advance for your time Dr.



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Munirah

      You went through very thorough investigations to look for the cause of the 3rd nerve palsy. Your doctor will be able to inform you whether the tests to probe for the remaining causes such as infection, inflammation, immune-mediated disorder have yielded any more information.

      While waiting for specific treatment to heal the nerve, you have options of eye patch, botox and other measures to minimise the distress of double vision.

      Best wishes for your recovery.


  35. sandhya says:

    Hai ms lee. Im sandhya from kl.. di sini i nak tanya tentang kronik migrain. Saya adalah penghidap kronik migrain pain .. baru2 ini… kepala saya sering sakit sebelah kiri dan terasa ayun ayun … badan saya terasa terapung dan sering pening.. semu atest telah dibuat semua report adalah normal dan mri kepala juga dibuat .semua normal tapi kesakitan masih sama dan terasa terapung badan dan pening.? Pls help me..


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Sandhya

      Jikalau telah diberi diagnosis Migraine, symptom anda mungkin kerana Migraine Vertigo. Sila rujuk kepada doktor, samada harus mengambil ubat untuk Vertigo. Alternatif yang lain, stress dan hyperventilation juga boleh menimbul sensasi terapung badan.

      Best wishes.


  36. Dr Loh Wan Hung/Dentist says:

    Dear Dr Lee
    I have been referred to you by a friend Dr Teh Cheng Kim. It’s regarding my wife Emily who is confirmed with narrowing of L2/L3 and L4/L5 disc spaces in 12 Nov 2012.
    In the last 3 weeks, and almost always in the evenings after work, she will have severe back pain. Strangely, the pain is not confined to the lower back but can affect higher ups including shoulder and neck. She has been dependant on pain killers to sleep. Mornings she will be better and good for work until evening when the cycle repeats. Despite regular exercise and massage, things does not seem to get better.
    Please advise and if this is also in your area, we would make an appointment to consult you.
    Thank you.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Dr Loh
      Based on the information provided, it is not possible to accurately diagnose the source of your wife’s problem. Causes include muscle strains and other orthopaedic problems, rheumatological conditions such as myofascial pain and rarely, neurological and psychosomatic conditions.
      She needs a proper pain assessment, as the symptoms are nonspecific. If there is no such resource, she could see me for an initial assessment, to identify the source of the pain.
      Best wishes.


  37. Mark Wright says:

    Greetings Dr. Lee

    Could you please be so kind to tell me if you are aware of any clinics in KL which ‘truly’ specialize in concussions/traumatic brain injury/post concussion syndrome?

    From extensive research, I’ve learned that even many if not most neurologists don’t have vast knowledge of effective treatments for recovery. It HAS to be a specialist whose has extensive expertise for this condition, so I’ve been told by a few physicians with whom I’ve spoken to.

    Your recommendation/s will be extremely appreciated, as I dearly need to find somebody to help with my debilitating post concussion syndrome which also includes a vestibular problem.

    I would prefer a facility that’s actually ‘not’ in a hospital if possible who just has this service as a -sub-specialty, rather than a full-fledged facility where it’s their primary service.

    Thank you so much for your time and kind consideration Dr. Lee. 🙂



    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Mr Wright

      Thank you for your enquiry. I am sorry to hear of your debilitating symptoms. It so happens there is no such dedicated clinic for post-head injury problems in Malaysia. As such, you may have to obtain treatment from a team of specialists, including ENT consultant.

      Best wishes for your clinical progress.


      • Mark Wright says:

        Dear Dr. Lee,

        I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to my enquiry.
        That’s too bad. I really would have thought there would be at least some type of clinic in KL. I guess I have to make enquiries next door in Singapore.

        Thank you again for your time and well wishes. Dr. Lee..




  38. CChai says:

    Good afternoon Dr Lee,

    Let me briefly introduce myself, my name is Candice Chai. I’m writing this on the behalf of my dearest friend. He’s 27 this year and have been suffering from severe migraines for a few years now. It was brought to my attention that his family (maternal) has a history of having migraines. Would like to check with you which Centre you will be at this coming Saturday 16.11.2013? Would like to bring him in for a proper consultation. He’s been only going to normal clinics and the medicines they gave him didn’t help much, it only helped to ease the pain temporary.

    And also, will it be better for me to call the Centre and make a proper appointment with you for a consultation?
    Thank you & have a great day ahead!


  39. Audrey Poh (type with behalf my sister) says:

    My name is Audrey, please reply to my email
    On 07/06/2012 , fell down after been snated and pull by a thief.
    tender neck with right upper limb numbness, 1 St cervical frecture, prolopsed cervical disc c4/5, c5/6, c6/7, i been inpatient treatment i JB,but still not recovery, becos c4/5, c5/6, c6/7 nerve roof compression. my hand now movement disorder, can’t work, becos hand can’t type, can’t grip a cup water (althought is very right). please advise me Dr. M.K. Lee. thank you so much.


    • mkleeneuro says:

      Dear Audrey

      I am very sorry to hear of your sister’s mishap.

      From your description, it is likely the cervical injury will take some time to heal. Please consult with her specialist about the chances of recovery and the expected duration. After recovering from the physical injuries, some people may continue to suffer as a result of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which is caused by the emotional trauma.

      All the best.


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